Audiobooks in Premium:
Get lost in great stories

Now enjoy 15 hours of audiobook listening time on Premium, every month.

Terms apply. Available to Premium Individual subscribers, and Duo and Family plan managers only.

From sci-fi to steamy romance and everything in between

With Premium, you can listen to over 250,000 audiobook titles in our subscriber catalog.

Want to listen to individual audiobooks on Spotify?

Premium or free—discover over 375,000 titles available to purchase in the Spotify Web Player, then listen on any device. Read more in our FAQs.

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    You're ready to start listening in the app! Find the audiobook in Your Library on all your devices.

Everything you listen to, all in one place.

Music, podcasts, and now audiobooks. Easily switch between your favorite songs, shows, and stories.

Audiobooks Access:
Get 1 Month Free

Now get 15 hours of audiobook listening time from our audiobooks subscriber catalog each month, with 1 month free. Your music listening experience will be on our free, ad-supported service.

Spotify Audiobooks Access $0 for 1 month

Audiobooks Access plan only. $9.99/month after. Terms & conditions apply. Offer ends 10/14/24.

On the go or at home, listen across devices and never miss a word

Now enjoy 15 hours of audiobook listening time on Premium, every month.

Terms apply. Available to Premium Individual subscribers, and Duo and Family plan managers only.